A place for natural health and nutrition in meeting our current challenges
A place for natural health and nutrition in meeting our current challenges
I read last week about how exhaustion is often worn like a badge of honour at the expense of taking the time we need to rest. While I agree with this sentiment, I am also acutely aware that many people do not have a choice. They are exhausted because they are working two or three jobs to make ends meet, or because they are a single parent juggling multiple responsibilities on their own, or because they are a student doing their best to attend to their schoolwork, while needing to work almost full-time to have funds for fees, rent, and food and still facing a mountain of debt at the end of their studies.
And in spite of their efforts, many people are still falling short. In these situations, it can be very difficult to find time for rest and self-care, or for the procurement and preparation of healthy, whole food options, or for quality time with family and friends. These are all ingredients for wellness and quality of life, and they are increasingly out of reach for many people. They are also foundational conditions for healthy communities and societies.
In the health and wellness world, there tends to be a lot of emphasis placed on personal responsibility, with which I agree to a point. It wasn’t until I made an active decision to improve my health and quality of life that I began to experience positive change. But I was also in a position to make this choice and to dedicate time and resources to the journey. This is certainly not the case for everyone, and it is unfair to blame and shame people without fully understanding their circumstances and the broader systemic conditions that might underpin their situation.
If you have the time and the means, there is so much to be gained by supporting your health and wellbeing with key ingredients like whole food, appropriate supplements, exercise, sleep, quality time with people you love, and quiet time for activities that give you energy and fuel your passion. This often requires a shift in priorities and mindset, including an active commitment to improving wellness and quality of life. And it pays off. Not just for the individual, but for their family, their colleagues, and their broader community. As a nutritionist, it is a pleasure to serve as a resource to people as they navigate this journey.
At the same time, I feel strongly that as a practitioner I have a responsibility to dedicate time and energy to work that examines, raises awareness about, and seeks to address the underlying systemic conditions and characteristics of our society that are making things so difficult for such a growing number of people. Rather than suggest that they are to be blamed for some kind of personal defect or shortcoming that is contributing to their situation, I would much rather look for ways in which we can work together to create the conditions for everyone to have an opportunity to cultivate wellness and quality of life. For me, this means advocating for change at a policy level. It also means taking a positive, evidence-based approach to raising awareness about the difference that natural health and nutrition can make in our own lives and communities, and working to create greater access for everyone.
I actively choose to undertake this work without cynicism or anger, although there is much that upsets me about what I observe happening in my own community and beyond. Instead, I seek opportunities for partnerships and collaborations that make space for a diversity of approaches and perspectives and are grounded in mutual respect, kindness, and common goals. In taking this approach, I have been lucky to connect with a number of wonderful people who are working hard to improve conditions in the Peterborough community and beyond.
There is an important place for natural health and nutrition in how we think about and address these current challenges. By bringing a multitude of perspectives and a range of expertise to bear on a problem, we have the opportunity to work collaboratively and creatively to uncover and promote meaningful and lasting solutions. I hope to continue to raise awareness and share my knowledge and passion in ways that meaningfully intersect with current and emerging initiatives aimed at improving quality of life for people in Ontario and beyond. We are stronger when we work together.